Dr. Fiona Bisshop, General Practitioner Holdsworth House
Fiona is a GP in Brisbane who has worked as an S100 prescriber treating HIV since 2001. She is on the ASHM HIV Guidelines committee, and is current President of AusPATH (the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health).
Dr Melissa Kelly, Staff Specialist Infectious Diseases and Sexual Health, The Albion Centre and the Prince of Wales Hospital
Dr Mel Kelly is a staff specialist in Infectious Diseases and Sexual Health Medicine at The Albion Centre and the Prince of Wales Hospital. She is the medical lead for the t150 transgender health service. Her clinical and research interests include HIV and Viral hepatitis, transgender health, novel antibiotics in the context of STIs and the provision of optimal healthcare to the LGBTQ community. She holds a conjoint lecturer position with the school of population health at UNSW.
Cirpriano Martinez, NAPWHA Special Representative
Cipriano Martinez has been actively engaged in the Australian HIV response since his 1993 HIV diagnosis. Inspired by the existing community response and HIV peer leadership, in 1996 he was part of establishing a support group for young HIV positive gay men and in the same year was elected Treasurer and Board member to People Living with HIV Western Australia.
His passion for HIV prevention and peer support guided a long-term collaboration with the National Association of People Living with HIV Australia (NAPWHA), the WA AIDS Council and the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations amongst other Australian HIV sector agencies.
In 2014 Cipri joined the Community Advisory Board for the Delaney AIDS Research Enterprise to cure HIV and is also a founding member of the Australian HIV Cure Community Partnership Steering Committee, which in partnership with NAPWHA built the HIVcure.com.au website. He believes people with HIV have an important role to play in providing the energy, effort, and momentum in collaboration with health scientists and professionals, key private partners, stakeholders, and government to manifest a cure for HIV.
He was part of the official Australian delegation attending the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS 2016, the Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS called for urgent action over the next five years to ensure that no one is left behind as we continue concerted efforts to end HIV by 2030.
Presently employed as a Learning & Development Trainer for the Community Public Service Union\ Civil Service Association, he enjoys providing empowering professional development programs for Western Australian government employees, which include; Assertive communication, Change Management, Leadership and Negotiation Skills.
He holds qualifications in Commerce (Economics & Finance) and a Graduate Diploma in Health Economics from the Curtin University. He received his Graduate Diploma in Education from Edith Cowan University.
Cipri appreciates opportunities to give back and build the People Living with HIV response in Australia through his current roles as NAPWHA’s Special Representative on Cure Research and as Chairperson of Positive Organisation Western Australia Inc. He defines success in life by a shared legacy of love to & for one another.
Dr. Mark O’Reilly, Sexual Health Physician & General Practitioner, Prahran Market Clinic
Dr Mark O’Reilly is a Sexual Health Physician, HIV specialist General Practitioner and Director at Prahran Market Clinic in Melbourne. He also works as a clinical advisor to ASHM and is on the Australian HIV antiretroviral guidelines committee. He has worked in HIV medicine and sexual health in both Sydney and Melbourne and current interests include HIV and STI treatment and prevention, HIV clinical trials and medical education.